Title: Introducing the Moxon Yagi: A Breakthrough in Antenna Technology by XLS Antennas
Hello, fellow radio enthusiasts!
Today, we’re thrilled to unveil a groundbreaking addition to the XLS Antennas lineup: the Moxon Yagi. As the first product to grace our newly launched website, the Moxon Yagi sets a new standard in antenna technology, combining exceptional performance with unparalleled reliability.
Spec Breakdown:
- Gain: With a typical gain of 6.12dBi and a peak gain of 6.15dBi, the Moxon Yagi delivers exceptional signal strength, ensuring clear and reliable communication.
- Front-to-Back Ratio (F/B): Boasting an impressive F/B ratio of 29.9dB at 27.555MHz and a peak F/B of 30dB, this antenna minimizes interference, allowing you to focus on your conversations without distractions.
- Power Rating: With a power rating of 6kw, the Moxon Yagi is built to handle high-power transmissions, making it ideal for long-distance communication and DXing.
- SWR: Featuring an SWR of 1.7:1 from 27MHz to 28MHz or 28-29MHz, this antenna ensures efficient power transfer and minimal signal loss across the entire operating range.
- Design: Crafted with precision, the Moxon Yagi features a boom length of 145cms, an antenna width of 4.05cms, and a turning radius of 2.175cms, making it both compact and effective.
- Vertical Stacking: Designed for versatility, the Moxon Yagi supports vertical stacking with a recommended distance of 3.5m apart, allowing you to maximize your coverage area and signal strength.
- Durability: Built to withstand the elements, the Moxon Yagi boasts a safe wind speed of 100 MPH+, ensuring reliable performance even in harsh weather conditions.
Unmatched Shipping Experience:
At XLS Antennas, we understand the importance of fast and reasonably priced shipping, which is why we’re proud to offer swift delivery anywhere in the UK. Whether you’re located in bustling cities or remote countryside, we’ve got you covered. Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond just our products; it encompasses every aspect of your shopping experience, ensuring convenience and peace of mind every step of the way.
In conclusion, the Moxon Yagi represents a new era in antenna technology, combining exceptional performance, durability, and versatility into a single, revolutionary product. With its impressive specifications and unmatched shipping experience, it’s no wonder why the Moxon Yagi is already making waves among radio enthusiasts across the UK. Join us in embracing the future of radio communication with XLS Antennas.
Ready to elevate your radio setup to new heights? Explore the Moxon Yagi and more on our website today!
Happy hamming!
Team XLS Antennas